NI SolidWorks User Group Launch

PAC Group Design Engineer, Elliot Thompson, heads up the launch of Northern Ireland’s SolidWorks User Group.

The mission of the SolidWorks User Group Network (SWUGN) is to empower real people who useĀ SolidWorksĀ products to collaborate with, learn from, and teach others.

The purpose of theĀ Northern Ireland SolidWorks User GroupĀ (NISWUG) is to assist in the development and support of local SolidWorks users, and provide a forum where local users can network and share information on a peer-to-peer basis. NISWUG is also a direct channel for the latest updates directly from SolidWorks.

Elliot Thompson, PAC Group Design Engineer, made it his mission to bring a User Group to Northern Ireland. He said:

“I’m excited to say that this is finally happening. It’s almost a year in the making but we finally have the backing of SolidWorks to make a Northern Ireland User Group a reality. I always wanted to join a User Group but there was little to no initiatives outside of the US.”

“Northern Ireland has such a diverse engineering and manufacturing landscape, and so many innovative individuals within it, that would make for a really interesting network. Whether you’re a power user or a complete novice, you will take something away from these events – we’ll pick each other’s brains, learn from one another, and hopefully have some craic along the way.”

Unwilling to be discouraged by the current situation with Coronavirus, the Northern Ireland SolidWorks User Group has taken their launch meeting online.

OnĀ Thursday, 30th April at 7PM, the group will use GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar to support its virtual launch. The group intends to facilitate guest speakers from around the world at their online events, which also means you can attend from anywhere in the world on any device.

Click the link below to register to attend the first event for Northern Ireland’s SolidWorks User Group:

Register to Attend the Launch Event

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